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Touching Lives

Updated: Apr 25

Some mornings, I wake up with enthusiasm, ready to conquer the world, while on others, I struggle to find the motivation to even get out of bed, wondering about existential questions on life's purpose. 'What is the point? No matter how hard we work, we are all going to die and worse forgotten even by our near ones one day!'

One such morning, as I struggled in bed, lost in contemplation, I scrolled through my phone after sending my kids off to school. It was then that I stumbled upon a comment left on my YouTube channel. The previous night, I had uploaded a simple crochet tutorial (with a traditional horror story :))—a hobby turned passion over the past decade. The comment, probably from someone in a distant time zone, speaking a different language, and hailing from a different culture, struck a chord with me. She mentioned how this tutorial helped her remember her crochet skills to finish the blanket her late mother had started. It made me realize that while crochet might be just a hobby for some, for many, it's far more. It's a skill passed down by their mother or grandmother, bringing back memories of their warmth.

At that moment, I realized that, while our individual existence may be ultimately forgotten, the impact we have on others can endure far beyond our own lifetimes. Through our actions, whether big or small, we have the power to touch lives, evoke nostalgia, and spread happiness. It's in these moments of connection and creation that we find purpose and meaning, transcending the existential doubts that often haunt us.

Embracing this revelation, I started creating my own narrative of happiness, to live each moment mindfully, and to cherish the connections made through my passion for crochet and beyond. In doing so, I understood that amidst the uncertainties of life, there lies a profound truth—that by sharing our gifts, touching lives, and spreading joy, we can leave an ever-lasting mark on the world, however short our time may be.

Boy! I did sound a bit philosohphical isn't it? :)

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