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  • Writer's pictureKavitha - My World

Memories of Discover 2024 

These district conferences are not just about insightful sessions, keynotes, and contests; they are an opportunity to truly discover our potential to connect with various people around us at different levels. Yuval Noah Harari says that the biggest strength of our species is the ability to connect and collaborate in larger numbers. This year, I managed to speak to many people I hesitated to approach last year and I am still learning the art :)

This Discover 2024, I had the privilege of playing the role of an introducer and being part of the District Council Meeting's Registration and Awards teams. I am grateful to our District Director Gayathri C G and Program Chair Sasi Dharani for trusting me with these roles. I hope I did them justice. My part was like that of the small squirrel in the Ramayana, contributing to the construction of the great bridge. Our Conference Chair Arun Kumar Rajaram and the trio Gayathri, Mohanakrishnan G, CSM®, CSPO®, and Vinoth were always there to help whenever we faced challenges. Nina John Mam and Kalyan were our pillars of support.

The conference was flawless not by chance. We all visualized the conference many times before it actually took place. We had several dry runs to ensure everything was perfect. There were rounds of review meticulously done by some proficient minds.

After the conference, when I started writing my blog, it felt as though these mentors were right beside me, reminding me: "No clichés, no repetitions, incorporate inclusivity, make it interesting, where are the rhetorical devices and wordplay?"

While each of us gained several insights, I am glad to say that this conference has made me a better writer :)

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