Hands-On Projects
Practical Experience to Enhance Your Skills
Hands-on projects are an excellent way to apply what you've learned in Kotlin and Android development. In this section, we’ll introduce several easy projects that will help reinforce your knowledge and build your portfolio. Each project will challenge you to implement different features and concepts, ensuring you gain practical experience while having fun.
1. Simple To-Do List App
Objective: Create a basic to-do list application that allows users to add, view, and delete tasks.
Key Features:
Input field to add new tasks.
A list to display added tasks.
Ability to mark tasks as complete or delete them.
Technologies Used:
RecyclerView for displaying tasks
Room for local data storage
2. Currency Converter App
Objective: Build a currency converter app that allows users to convert between different currencies.
Key Features:
Input fields for the amount and selection of currencies.
Fetch real-time exchange rates from an API.
Display the converted amount.
Technologies Used:
Retrofit for API calls
Simple user interface with TextViews and EditTexts
3. Basic Calculator App
Objective: Develop a simple calculator that performs basic arithmetic operations.
Key Features:
Input fields for numbers and buttons for operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide).
Display the result of the calculation.
Technologies Used:
Simple layout with buttons and TextView
Logic to handle operations and display results
4. Recipe Book App
Objective: Create an app that allows users to view and save their favorite recipes.
Key Features:
A list of recipes with images and descriptions.
Option to add new recipes and save them locally.
Ability to search through recipes.
Technologies Used:
RecyclerView for displaying recipes
Room for local data storage
5. Random Quote Generator
Objective: Build an app that displays a random quote each time the user presses a button.
Key Features:
A button that generates a new random quote from a predefined list.
Display the quote and the author’s name.
Technologies Used:
Simple layout with TextView and Button
Array or List to store quotes
6. Weather App
Objective: Develop a weather app that shows current weather conditions based on user input.
Key Features:
Input field for city name and a button to fetch weather data.
Display temperature, weather conditions, and an icon representing the weather.
Technologies Used:
Retrofit for fetching data from a weather API
JSON parsing to extract relevant informatio
7. Flashlight App
Objective: Create a simple flashlight app that uses the device's camera flashlight.
Key Features:
A button to turn the flashlight on and off.
A user-friendly interface.
Technologies Used:
CameraManager to control the flashlight
Simple layout with a toggle button
Next Steps
Completing these projects will provide you with valuable experience in Android development using Kotlin. As you build these applications, remember to refer back to the Kotlin Basics and Developing Android Apps sections for guidance on concepts and best practices.
After mastering these hands-on projects, you’ll be well-equipped to move on to more complex projects, improve your skills further, and explore topics such as Testing & Debugging and Monetization with AdMob.
Let’s get started on these exciting projects and bring your ideas to life! Happy coding!