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🎉📱 Our App Hits a  Milestone! 🚀🌟

Crochet App
Mini Crochet Projects Android App
Android app on crochet

I'm truly humbled to share some wonderful news about our latest Android app, "Mini Crochet Projects," available now on the Google Play Store! 🎉 With deep gratitude to our users and supporters, I'm thrilled to announce that our app has achieved high rankings in multiple countries on AppBrain! This achievement is a testament to the incredible community that surrounds our app.

I'm also excited to give a special shoutout to our 12-year-old graphic designer, Tanushri! She's been instrumental in designing the app's icon, bringing her creative flair to the project. While she's typically drawn to subtle pastel colors as a designer, Tanushri understood the need for bright colors to capture attention in the app world. Her flexibility and understanding of the requirements have truly made a difference.

Through this journey, I have realized that in the world of art like crochet, there are no language or national barriers. It's heartwarming to see how our app has resonated with people from different parts of the world, united by their passion for creativity and craftsmanship. Our app has found its place among the top in the Art & Design category, capturing the attention of users in countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Czech Republic and beyond. 🚀 However, there were not many downloads in my own country!!

As a solo developer, tester, and marketer, I'm deeply committed to continuously improving our app and ensuring it provides the best possible experience for each and every user. Your feedback is incredibly valuable, so please continue sharing your thoughts with us!

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your support and encouragement. It's your enthusiasm that drives us to keep improving and delivering the best experience possible. Let's continue to spread the joy of crochet together!

🌟 If you haven't already, we invite you to download "Mini Crochet Projects" today and join us on this meaningful journey. Together, let's continue to create and grow with gratitude. 💪

Google Play:

Mini Crochet Projects on Google Play


Mini Crochet Projects for Android (

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